
シャカ 釈迦 Shaka

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シャカ 釈迦























 シャカは生まれると、シッダールタSiddhartha(またはSiddhatta 4ツダッタ 悉達多)と名づけられ、母后は七日ののちに世を去り、その後は、母の妹マハープラジャーパティーが養母として、かれを愛育した。








Wisdom for Love Wisdom for Wisdom

よ う As we saw in Jesus in Chapter 2, it is impossible to write about Shaka’s entire life and his teachings with a limited amount of paper. No matter how many pages are given, it will be the same. The same is true for Jesus.
So, as we did with Jesus, I would like to first summarize what was summarized, and then list what is deemed necessary in this book. ― <The World Encyclopedia by Heibonsha and Hiromoto Mizuno)


来 Originally, Shakya akya is the name of a race, and the place that should be Shakyamuni is abbreviated to Shakyamuni. (Hereinafter called shaka)
Muniyo ‘means a saint, so Shakamuni is a sakha from the Shaka tribe.
Buddhists respect this and call it the Shakamun Buddha or the Shakamuni Buddha, and sometimes refer to it as the Shaka Buddha or the Shakyamuni. In Southern Buddhism, Shaka is also called Gautama Buddha, and Gautama is the surname of the Buddha. Also, people outside of Buddhism at the time of Shaka
Called him Shamon Gautama.

Life and its teaching

There are roughly three theories regarding the age of Shaka’s death.
1, 544-543 years ago
Theory of 説 2, around 180 前
3, the theory around 380
Southern Buddhist countries such as Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand and Cambodia have adopted the first
And their chronology.
The second theory is widely adopted in the West and Japan.
Since Shaka died (died) at the age of eighty, according to the second theory, his birth was 560 B.C. what did Kashaka preach and what did he do? It will be.
He was born as a Prince of Shaka, located at the foot of the Himalayas, and now part of the Indian territory from southern Nepal.
シ ャ The Shaka nation at the time was a small country that is as small as Chiba Prefecture in Japan, with a focus on rice agriculture.
No. However, the population is quite large, and its namesake in towns and cities within its territory.
Apparently, the king was determined by the election of minority nobles who owned the town or city, and Shaka’s father, Suddhodana, was the king of the country and reigned at the capital’s capital city, Kapilavastu.
My mother, Maya, was a princess from the Corrie country on the eastern side, following the customs of the time, born on the way to Lumbini Garden, halfway between the two countries, to give birth to Shaka. It has been.
About 200 years after Shaka’s death, the ruins of the Lumbini Garden have a surviving carved stone pillar built by King Asoka, and the site is clearly identified. An urn containing the remains of the sculpture (shari) was discovered, and the shroud of the urn proves that Shaka was a real person before the third century BCE, according to the text cut in ancient letters. In addition, a part of this pot’s relics is also divided into Japan and is enshrined.
When Shaka was born, she was named Siddhartha Sidhartha (or Siddhatta 4 Tsudatta), and her mother died seven days later, after which her mother’s sister, Mahapraja Patty, fostered him.
The ministers see that this child has many outstanding shapes unlike ordinary people, and if he is at home, he will be the king of the wheel, the king who unites the whole world. It is said that he predicted that if he left, he would become Buddha, who would save the whole world. It is true that he had a very good quality.

The environment

At that time, the social environment of India was a millennium-old Orthodox Brahmin culture that had been around for nearly a millennium, which flourished mainly in the northwestern India and the upper reaches of the Ganges, but was rather formalized and prone to corruption. .
Especially, what was Shaka’s preaching and what other non-orthodox cultures other than Brahmin did in the middle part of the Ganges River, away from the center of the Baramoc culture?

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