
maha Cundā

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  1. maha Cundā

In India and Tibet, it is generally regarded as a Buddhist mother and is not considered a change Kannon. Kannon is considered a male noun in India because of its masculine noun.

Also known as Shichiku-Tetsubutsu, also known as Sappakoti Budda Matri (梵 [Saptakoṭibuddhamātṛ])

नागार्जुन, Nāgārjuna, klu sgru Bodhisattva

Even in the event of any disaster or catastrophe, the person can escape the disaster. This is because the vow of quasi-sponsorship is “to save people and heaven.” Tenjin and humans receive the same happiness as a Buddha, and if a Buddha equal to this Buddha is regarded as a principal, the Buddha’s absence will be sure. This is because you gain a higher sense of equality. If my (Nāgārjuna) ‘s wish for sorrow to “leave the beings into liberation in this and the afterlife” is not fulfilled, I (Nāgārjuna) falls into hell for the sins that deceive the beings, I will also throw away my grief


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